Our company is a manufacturer of butter and a range of dry dairy products for sale within Ukraine and abroad.
Utilizing our acquired experience, the management of the enterprise and specialists from structural divisions are improving production levels in line with EU requirements and international standards.
Taking into account mutual respect and the mutual benefit of our relationships with Clients, our responsibility to them for the quality and safety of food products, and considering the need to meet the existing and future demands of the end Consumer, we set strategic goals for ourselves in the field of quality and safety of our products, namely:
– Maintaining and strengthening the company’s image as a reliable partner with a constant improvement of the production process for high-quality and safe dairy products;
– Ensuring that our operations and products comply with all requirements of the existing legislation of Ukraine and other countries to which products are supplied;
– Utilizing the latest technologies and developing new types of products;
– Developing and implementing a management system that ensures the continuous development and improvement of the enterprise's operations, enhancing current and future needs of Consumers and all stakeholders;
– Training staff, supporting creative development, and involving them in the processes of development, production, and sales of quality and safe dairy products.
We established the enterprise with strategic goals that we will implement through:
– Maintaining and continuously improving the food quality and safety management system using the ideas laid out in the relevant international ISO standards, principles of HACCP, and Total Quality Management (TQM) principles;
– Training and supporting staff engagement in the process of producing quality and safe products by enhancing motivational programs and increasing productivity through modern management methods;
– Analyzing existing and future potential needs of Consumers and Clients;
– Constantly improving products and production processes;
– Rational resource provision, considering the latest advanced technologies;
– Engaging highly qualified specialists in the field of production organization who are familiar with EU and global requirements in food production;
– Involving qualified and interested personnel to ensure operations that contribute to the development of the quality and safety management system in the enterprise’s product manufacturing;
– Strict adherence to documented procedures of the quality and food safety management system by all enterprise employees;
– Continuous systematic control of the implementation of documented procedures of the quality and food safety management system;
– Ongoing analysis of the effectiveness of the elements of the quality and food safety management system;
– Studying and utilizing the latest food production technologies and modern enterprise management methods.
Our Policy in the field of food quality and safety is designed to focus the activities of the company’s personnel on the MAIN GOAL –
to create a reliable and predictable quality and safety management system for our products, strengthen the enterprise’s position in the market, and earn and enhance the unconditional trust of Consumers in Ukraine and abroad.